Jun 16, 2024

Leadmonk: Appointment Scheduling Software for Pipedrive CRM

Scheduling Simplified

The Conventional Way of Scheduling is a Pain

  • It requires way too many back-and-forth emails.
  • Lack of visibility into availability outside of the organization's calendar.
  • Common challenges include missed appointments, double bookings, scheduling conflicts, and manual tracking.
  • Traditional scheduling process leads to missed opportunities, decreased efficiency, lower customer satisfaction, and lost revenue.

Scheduling Simplified

  • Enable your customers to schedule or reschedule appointments online 24/7.
  • Reduce no-shows and keep appointments top of mind with email, and SMS/WhatsApp reminders to your customers.
  • Engage better with the customer at every stage of the sales cycle using email workflows.
  • Automatically add contacts and meetings to your CRM so you can properly track engagement.

Introducing Leadmonk

Leadmonk is a mobile-first scheduling platform that offers flexible booking options, automated reminders, and promotional landing pages. Leadmonk is ideal for small businesses and customer facing teams. It also helps B2B revenue teams convert leads into meetings by qualifying, routing, and scheduling in real-time.

Appointment Booking Page: Professional Theme

How It Works

  1. Connect your calendar: Connect your Google or Outlook/Office365 calendar and specify details such as availability preferences, appointment duration, location etc.
  2. Publish Appointment Links: Share appointment links via email, on social media sites, or embed them on your website and let the world pick and choose.
  3. Let Appointments Fly In: The customer picks up a time slot, and the appointment is added to your calendar. Everyone is reminded before the appointment to avoid no-shows.

What can the integration do?

By integrating Leadmonk with Pipedrive CRM, you can automatically create or update contacts and activities in Pipedrive CRM as meetings are scheduled. This helps to keep your CRM up-to-date. This automation helps to save your sales representative’s time on admin tasks so they can focus on building relationships with customers.

When a Leadmonk meeting is scheduled or canceled, Pipedrive CRM will:

  • Create contacts
  • Create and update activities

Steps to connect Pipedrive CRM to your Leadmonk account

  • Go to the Integrations page in the Leadmonk app.
  • Look for Pipedrive CRM and Click Configure button.
  • On the Pipedrive CRM Integration page, click Connect button to authenticate and connect.
  • You get below popup. Here you click Allow and Install button to proceed further.


  • Once you successfully connect your Pipedrive account to Leadmonk, you see below status on Leadmonk

The Pipedrive CRM integration has the following default behavior


  • When a meeting is scheduled, Pipedrive CRM will search for the Leadmonk invitee's email in Pipedrive CRM.
  • If Pipedrive CRM does not find a matching contact, then Pipedrive CRM will create a new contact, using the Leadmonk invitee's name and email.
  • If Pipedrive CRM does find a matching contact, Pipedrive CRM will not update their contact properties (such as the contact owner and custom responses). However, Pipedrive CRM will update the contact's activity/engagement details [meeting details].


When an invitee schedules a meeting, a new activity/meeting will be created with the following:

  • Type: Meeting
  • Meeting Name
  • Owner
  • Contact
  • Event Duration
  • Attendee count

The title will have the format Leadmonk: {Event name}.

Making changes to events

When an event is canceled or rescheduled by either party, the activity will be updated and both parties will be notified. Canceled events will update the activity as [Canceled] <event name> in Pipedrive CRM. The activity does not disappear, giving you a complete history of activity for the account.

Flexibility for Every Meeting Scenario

Leadmonk understands that your sales strategy isn't one-size-fits-all. Need to schedule a quick demo? A brainstorming session with multiple decision-makers? Or maybe a round-robin meeting with your entire team? Leadmonk caters to different meeting scenarios.  Whether it's a virtual conference or an in-person coffee chat, you can connect with prospects on their terms, fostering stronger relationships from the start.

Automate your Admin Tasks

Leadmonk doesn't just make scheduling easier foryour prospects, it saves you and your sales team valuable time. Automate tasks like adding contacts and meetings to your CRM, and updating other platforms in your workflow. Free yourself from the administrative burden and focus on what you do best: building relationships and closing deals.

Improve Customer Engagement

Improve customer engagement at every touchpoint with Leadmonk's automated features. Send personalized emails and textnotifications, share relevant collateral, and express your gratitude with automated thank-you emails. Leadmonk helps you stay connected and nurture relationships throughout the sales cycle.

Notification Workflow

Remove friction by converting interest into action across every channel

Qualify, Route, and schedule leads from your Book-a-Demo or Contact-Sales form

Leadmonk seamlessly integrates with HubSpot, Marketo, Pardot, and custom web forms. When a leadgen (Book-a-demo or Contact-sales) form is submitted on your website, Leadmonk instantly qualifies the lead, routes it to the right sales rep, and displays the booking page so your prospect can book a meeting - all in a matter of seconds.

Route your leads from hidden fields: With Clearbit or ZoomInfo, you can enrich your marketing forms with industry, company size, and other data. This will help you shorten your forms and route your leads to the right sales rep.

Instant Lead Qualification: Build a real-time lead qualification track that assesses leads based on their self-provided information and enriched data.

Real-time Email Verification - Ensure high-quality lead data with Leadmonk's real-time email verification, which eliminates invalid, disposable, personal, and temporary email addresses from your lead capture forms. Reduce bounce rates, improve deliverability, and prevent wasted resources on invalid leads.

Accelerate Speed-to-Lead: Let prospects book meetings on demand, so your reps can focus on closing deals. Increase inbound conversion rates by more than 35% by ensuring that the right leads are routed to the right reps as quickly as possible.

Drive pipeline from marketing campaigns

Use smart booking links in nurture campaigns, customer newsletters, or product announcements to allow your target audience to book a meeting instantly with the right rep.

Say goodbye to multiple links: Use intelligent rules to route each prospects to the right rep with just one link, avoiding the need for separate links for each campaign or sales rep.

Smart booking links in email campaigns

All the features you need to stay on top of your scheduling

  1. Add times to email: Easily share your available times in an email, making it convenient for your prospects/customers to select suitable meeting slots. This eliminates the tedious email tennis match and keeps your sales outreach moving smoothly.
  2. Website Embed: Embed your booking page on your website to let your clients book directly from your webpage.
  3. Visibility of all team members’ bookings: The org owner and admin have access to all team members’ bookings.
  4. Automatic time zone detection: Turn on automatic time zone detection and your customers will see the booking page in their timezone.
  5. Connect multiple calendars: Not only you can connect up to 6 calendars to your account, but also you can manage appointments in all these calendars.
  6. Get the meetings you want and when you want them: Present your preferred availability, set a lead time, add a buffer time before or after the appointment, and limit the number of appointments per day.
  7. URL Parameters: You can pre-populate the booking page form with invitee information using URL parameters.
  8. UTM Parameters: Add UTM parameters to your booking links to track conversions directly withinLeadmonk.
  9. Google Analytics: Integrate Google Analytics withLeadmonk to get valuable insights into how your clients engage with your booking page.
  10. Durations flexibility and location flexibility: Give multiple appointment duration options and multiple location options to your invitees to let them specify their preference at the time of appointment booking.
  11. Easy repeat business with packages: Sell multi-appointment bundles, combine different types of appointments, and even include group classes in your packages.


Leadmonk offers a powerful and user-friendly appointment scheduling solution specifically designed to streamline Pipedrive workflows. By automating appointment scheduling tasks, Leadmonk empowers Pipedrive users to focus on building relationships and closing deals. Whether you're a small business or a large enterprise, Leadmonk can help you improve your appointment scheduling efficiency and boost your sales pipeline.

Ready to see how Leadmonk can transform your Pipedrive experience? Sign up for a free trial today or book a demo.

Streamline Your Business

image of Naveen a team member

Naveen S G

Co-founder and CEO

Double your inbound conversion using Leadmonk

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