Jun 16, 2024

Collect payment using Stripe as part of appointment booking

Collect payment using Stripe as part of appointment booking

When it comes to running a successful business, streamlining the booking and payment process is crucial. Customers want to be able to schedule appointments and pay for them quickly and easily. And businesses want to ensure that they receive payment in a timely manner, without any additional hassle. This is where using Stripe as part of the appointment booking process comes in.

Stripe is a popular and trusted payment processing platform that allows businesses to accept payments online. By integrating Stripe into your appointment booking process, you can make the entire process more seamless for both you and your customers.

Eliminating the need for separate payments

One of the biggest benefits of using Stripe as part of the appointment booking process is that it eliminates the need for customers to pay separately. Instead, customers can enter their payment information on the same page where they are scheduling their appointment. This makes the process more efficient for both parties and can help to reduce confusion.

Fraud detection and prevention with Stripe

Another benefit is that Stripe offers a variety of fraud detection and prevention tools to help protect businesses from fraud. This is especially important in the era of online bookings and payments. Stripe uses cutting-edge technology to detect and prevent fraud, giving businesses peace of mind when accepting payments.

Easy refunds and cancellations with Stripe

Another major benefit of using Stripe is that it allows for easy refunds and cancellations. This can help to reduce customer complaints and ensure that the customer is satisfied with the service provided. This is a great feature for businesses because unhappy customers can lead to negative reviews, a bad online reputation, and more business loss.

Boosting revenue

Finally, Stripe subscriptions are a great way to increase revenue and reduce customer churn. This feature allows customers to easily sign up for recurring appointments and automatically charge the customer's credit card on the day of the appointment. This can help businesses to increase revenue and reduce customer churn.

Making the payment process smoother with Stripe

In conclusion, using Stripe as part of the appointment booking process is a great way to streamline the process and ensure that both parties are on the same page. It's easy to implement, and secure and offers a variety of features to help businesses grow. With Stripe, businesses can have a smooth and easy payment process, which will lead to more satisfied customers and more revenue.

Stripe Integration with Leadmonk Appointment Scheduling Software

When it comes to scheduling appointments, Leadmonk is a powerful and flexible software that makes it easy for businesses to manage and book appointments. And Stripe is a powerful and easy-to-use payment processing platform that allows businesses to accept payments online. By integrating Stripe with Leadmonk, businesses can streamline the process of booking appointments and collecting payments, making it easier and more efficient for both the business and the customer.

The benefits of connecting your Stripe account to Leadmonk are:

  • You can save time and reduce no-shows
  • You can streamline the billing process to one step with Leadmonk's Stripe integration.
  • You can collect payments in multiple currencies.
  • You can also include payment terms within the appointment scheduling process.
  • Credit or debit card payments are accepted across One-on-one, Group, Collective, and Round Robin events.

You can connect your stripe account with your Leadmonk account by following these steps:

  • Go to Settings => Integrations page
  • Select "Payments" tab.
  • Look for Stripe on the Integration page
  • then click the 'Configure' button highlighted in red color.

Once you connect your stripe account, the status for Stripe in Leadmonk is shown as 'enabled'.

Stripe connected

As shown below, you can specify payment details in the event type customization after connecting Stripe with your Leadmonk account.

Payment details in Event type

You can also define payment amount for each of the duration options on the 'Payment Preferences' tab as shown below.

How stripe payment works on the booking page

Once the invitee selects the date and time, he/she has to enter a name, and email address and then click the 'Go to Payment' button.

Appointment Booking with Stripe

Payment Terms and Stripe form are shown in the booking process as shown below. The appointment will be confirmed only after successful payment by the invitee.

Payment collection using Stripe

Stripe Integration at Admin or Owner account level

Now your team members can make use of Stripe integration done by the Admin or Owner to offer paid appointments. It's no longer required for every team member to separately connect Stripe account. It's also possible to offer paid appointments using Round Robin and Collective event types as well.

Steps to connect Stripe Admin account by Leadmonk Admin or Owner

  • Go to Settings=>Integration page
  • Look for 'Stripe [Admin]' there.
  • Click the 'Configure' button [shown below in the red-colored box].
  • Once you connect your stripe account, the status for Stripe [Admin] in Leadmonk is shown as 'enabled'.
Stripe Admin

Now, this stripe account can be assigned to any event type by any of your team members part of Leadmonk Organization (workspace) as shown below.

Stripe Admin - Payment Details at Event type level

Stripe Integration FAQ

1) What kind of appointment types can collect payments?

All kinds of appointment types (One-on-one and Group) can be set up to collect payments.

2) Does Leadmonk's Stripe integration collect sales tax?

No, our payment integration does not collect VAT/Sales tax. You can include this in the cost and amend the amount to be collected in the appointment type.

3) Does Leadmonk process refunds?

No, refunds must be processed manually by the account holder. Leadmonk support will direct invitees to contact you regarding any payments they submit through your scheduling page.

4) Does my Stripe account support live charges?
Live charges are only supported in Stripe accounts set to live mode. Ensure you are in live mode before connecting your account to Leadmonk.

5) What payment methods does Stripe support?

Stripe accepts most major credit and debit cards. For more details visit Stripe's payment methods guide.

6) What currency can I collect payments in?

  • $ USD   - United States Dollar
  • $ AUD   - Australian Dollar
  • $ CAD   - Canadian Dollar
  • € EUR   - Euro
  • £ GBP   - Pound Sterling
  • ₹ INR    - Indian Rupees
  • R$ BRL - Brazilian Real

Boost Efficiency and Improve Customer Experience using Appointment Scheduling Software

Looking to streamline your business processes? Explore how appointment scheduling software can revolutionize your operations!

Sales & Marketing
Hiring & Recruiting
Patient Scheduling
  • See how you can collect payments using Stripe or PayPal as part of appointment booking.
Professional Services
General Scheduling
  • This blog explores 10 advanced settings to make appointment scheduling easier.
  • Overcome concerns and encourage the adoption of appointment scheduling software within your organization.
Virtual Office & Shared Resources
Customer Experience

Instantly Qualify, Route and Schedule your Leads using Leadmonk

Book meetings from any webform

Convert leads into meetings by qualifying, routing, and scheduling in real-time from anywhere — be it your web form, cold calls, campaigns, and more.

Book Meetings From Your Web Form - Leadmonk seamlessly integrates with HubSpot, Marketo, and custom web forms. When a form is submitted on your website, Leadmonk instantly qualifies the lead, routes it to the right sales rep, and displays the booking page so your prospect can book a meeting - all in a matter of seconds.

Real-time Email Verification - Ensure high-quality lead data with Leadmonk's real-time email verification, which eliminates invalid, disposable, personal, and temporary email addresses from your lead capture forms. Reduce bounce rates, improve deliverability, and prevent wasted resources on invalid leads.

Lead qualification - Build a real-time lead qualification track that assesses leads based on their self-provided information and enriched data. Reduce junk meetings by 90% and increase qualified meetings by 35%.

Real-time Lead Routing - Route and assign leads to the right sales reps, at the right time using round-robin, account-based, or territory-based distribution. Quickly and accurately route leads from all GTM channels.Go straight to meetings with qualified leads.

Fix your leaky funnel with Leadmonk - No more long sales cycles. Go straight to meetings with qualified leads.

Scheduling Simplified - Make it easy for your customers to schedule meetings on demand without the back and forth. Distribute incoming meetings fairly using round robin, prioritizing availability, or with equal weight or a weighted average.

Handoff Leads Like a Pro - Automate lead routing and scheduling for lightning-fast handoffs across your entire sales funnel. SDRs can book meetings for AEs from anywhere, with just a few clicks. No more back-and-forth emails or scheduling conflicts.

Ditch the Spreadsheet, for Good - Stop wasting time with manual lead routing. Leadmonk ensures every rep gets the same number of meetings—even when cancellations and no-shows happen.

Boost your conversion rate by 150% - Schedule meetings quickly by adding Leadmonk to your website, emails, text messages, WhatsApp, or social profiles. Watch conversion skyrocket by up to 150%.

Boost your win rate by 50% - The average vendor response time for a demo request is 42 hours. Responding within 5 minutes can increase your chances of winning the deal by 50%.

Increase your bookings by reducing the customer friction

Leadmonk is a mobile-first scheduling platform that offers flexible booking options, automated reminders, and promotional landing pages. It reduces the booking friction by giving the flexibility to your customers to book appointments using their mobile number or email address without the back-and-forth emails or messages. You can let invitees opt-in for WhatsApp or SMS notifications if they book with their mobile number, so they get updates on the go.

Meet one-on-one or in a group or as a team (Collective, and Round Robin appointment types). Meet online or in person. Leadmonk supports all meeting combinations.

It is built for customer-facing teams such as Sales, Marketing, Customer Success, Freelancers, and  Consultants. It is also suitable for industry sectors such as Doctors, Dentists, Chiropractors, Entrepreneurs, Educators, Coaches, Recruiters, and Professional Services companies such as Legal, Accounting, and Real Estate.

It integrates natively with Google, G-Suite, Outlook, and Office 365 Calendars, Google Meet, MS Teams, Zoom, Stripe, PayPal, Zapier, HubSpot, and other popular business apps to support your business in a wide range of prospect and customer scheduling scenarios.

It is perfect for any person or business no matter if you are starting off or have been around for a while.

Save time on scheduling. Spend time on the things that matter. Check to know more.

Appointment Booking Page

image of Naveen a team member

Naveen S G

Co-founder and CEO

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a computer screen with a funnel and a document