Jun 16, 2024

28 Email templates to share your scheduling link politely

28 Email templates to share your scheduling link politely

If you've ever had trouble getting people to schedule appointments with you, whether for business or personal reasons, this article is for you! Read on for tips on how to request for appointment or meeting politely, so that people are more likely to actually follow through and schedule a time with you.

When it comes to scheduling appointments, it's important to be polite and assertive in order to get the best possible results. Here are 5 tips on how to get an appointment with anyone:

  1. Start by explaining why you need to schedule an appointment.
  2. Be sure to personalize the message when you share your link. A generic message will come across as less personal and may not encourage people to click on your link.
  3. Don't be afraid to be creative with your language. Use words that excite and inspire people to book an appointment with you.
  4. Make sure you include a call to action in your message. Tell people what they can expect when they book an appointment with you and why they should do it now.
  5. Keep it short and sweet.

Some of you may be wondering how to share scheduling links politely or how to ask for an appointment politely without coming across as rude. Instead of simply sending over your scheduling link and asking them to book time in your calendar, you can request them to first give their availability.  Once they have the opportunity to walk through the door first, you can follow by offering your scheduling link.

The Process of Effectively Sharing Your Appointment Scheduling Link

In this blog, we will guide you through the process of effectively sharing your appointment scheduling link without coming across as rude. Let's dive in!

1. Understand the Importance of Polite Communication

Politeness is the cornerstone of any successful customer interaction. While sharing your appointment scheduling link, keep in mind that your goal is to provide a seamless and convenient experience for your customers. Being polite and respectful enhances the customer's perception of your professionalism and helps foster a positive business relationship.

2. Choose the Right Channel

Consider the most appropriate channel to share your appointment scheduling link. Depending on your business or profession, you can utilize various communication platforms such as email, text messaging, social media, or even in-person conversations. Select the channel that aligns with your customers' preferences and creates a comfortable environment for them to engage with your link.

3. Craft a Personalized Message

A generic and impersonal message can leave a negative impression. Tailor your message to each customer to make it more engaging and relevant. Begin with a warm greeting, include their name, and express appreciation for their interest or patronage. Personalization shows that you value their time and helps establish a rapport.

4. Clearly Explain the Benefits

When sharing your appointment scheduling link, emphasize the benefits your customers will experience by using it. Highlight the convenience, time-saving aspects, and any special features or services they can access through the link. Clearly communicate how the link simplifies the scheduling process and enhances their overall experience with your business.

5. Provide Context

Contextualize the appointment scheduling link within the conversation. Whether you're discussing a specific service or addressing a customer's query, smoothly introduce the link as a solution or next step. Avoid abrupt or out-of-context link sharing, as it may appear pushy or disruptive to the conversation.

6. Use a Friendly Tone

Maintaining a friendly tone throughout your message can help mitigate any perceived rudeness. Use polite and positive language, avoiding overly formal or generic phrasing. A warm and approachable tone encourages customers to engage with your link willingly.

7. Offer Alternatives

While the appointment scheduling link is a convenient option, it's essential to acknowledge that not all customers may be comfortable using it. Offer alternative methods of scheduling, such as providing a phone number, email address, or an option to schedule through your staff directly. This flexibility ensures that all customers can schedule appointments according to their preferences.

8. Be Responsive and Available

Promptly respond to any inquiries or concerns related to the appointment scheduling link. Demonstrate your willingness to assist customers throughout the process. Being readily available and attentive builds trust and ensures a smoother scheduling experience, reducing any potential frustration or confusion.

Sharing your appointment scheduling link politely is a valuable skill that helps enhance customer satisfaction and streamline your business operations. By understanding the importance of polite communication, personalizing your messages, and providing context and benefits, you can create a positive experience for your customers. Remember, the goal is to make the scheduling process convenient and respectful, fostering strong relationships and loyalty. Mastering these techniques will set you apart and contribute to the long-term success of your business.

Below are some of the email templates for sharing scheduling links, which can be customized further as per your requirements:

Generic email templates for sharing scheduling link

Template 1.  Meetup

​Hi [email recipient],

I would like to meet to discuss <topic>. Is there a time that works for you? Feel free to book a time that works best for you using the link. I am looking forward to it.

Template 2.  Follow-up call

Hi [contact name],

Request you to share your availability for our next call or feel free to book a time that works best for you using my scheduling link.

Template 3.  Quick Follow Up

Hi [contact name],

Please let me know if there are certain times/dates that work best for you. Also, if you would prefer to select from my availability below, feel free!



Template 4.  Scheduling meeting

​Hi [contact name],

I have provided a couple of available times for <Meeting purpose>. Let me know if any of these slots work for you or check my scheduling link below to see all our openings.

Meeting Length: <duration>

Time Zone: <time zone>

<option 1> <option 2>

<option 3> <option 4>

Don't see a time that works for you? <Scheduling Link>

Template 5.  Rescheduling an appointment

​Hi [contact name],

I am so sorry, but I need to reschedule our upcoming appointment. Please click the link below to choose an alternate day and time that works for your schedule.


Thanks in advance for your understanding.

Template 6.  Generic Ones

"Here is my availability, but I'm happy to use another method of booking if you'd prefer."

"Feel free to share some times you're available or you can also pick from my Leadmonk if it's easier."

"If you have a calendar link, please send it my way. if not, here's mine for your convenience."

Sales Outreach/Business Development

Template 7.  Product demo email to customer

​Hi [contact name],

Thanks for getting in touch — we’re excited to chat with you! Request you to share your availability for the demo or feel free to book a time that works best for you using the link: <Scheduling Link>. We look forward to talking with you soon.  


[Company rep name]

Template 8.  Product walkthrough email to customer

Hi [contact name],  

Thanks for contacting us about the product walkthrough. I would be happy to schedule a time with you, so we can get all your questions answered.

Click here to book a time.

I look forward to talking with you soon!

Template 9.  Product demo email to customer [based on the request made on the website]

Hi [contact name],

I’m reaching out to follow up on the demo request you made on [company name]’s website a few months ago. I’d love to find out what else we can do to help with [value proposition].  We have a lot of resources to offer you. However, to get you the best materials, I would like to schedule a meeting to discuss your needs and make sure we’re on the same page. Email me back when you have a moment, so we can decide whether a demo is appropriate.  If you are ready to schedule a time with me now, just click here and pick a date that works for you.

Thank you,  

[Company rep name]

Template 10.  Sales discovery

Hi [contact name],

Thank you for your interest in [company product/solution/service]. I’d like to better understand your needs and how we can help, so let’s schedule a call this week. To avoid all the back-and-forth of finding a time to meet, please use my scheduling link to select the time that works best for you.

Template 11.  A quick follow-up email to the customer with a call to action

Subject: Book a time for our consultation

Hi [contact name],

It was great speaking with you this afternoon. I would like to propose a one-hour discovery call, at which time we can further unpack [Company]’s revenue goals.

To schedule a time with me, please click here and find a time that works for you.

If you have any questions prior to the meeting, just reply to this email and let me know!

Template 12.  A follow-up email to the customer

​Hi [contact name],

[Rep name] here from [company name]. I wanted to reach out and see if I could help answer any questions you may have about [company’s expertise].

You can book a time to meet with me here or just reply to this email. We can walk through your goals and show you how [company name] can help you with [value proposition].


[Rep name]

Template 13.  Customer Success

​Hi [contact name],

It’s been a few weeks since you started using [company product/solution/service], so I wanted to check in and see if you had any questions or wanted any further details. I know you’re busy, so please use this scheduling link to book a call at your convenience without back-and-forth.

I look forward to talking with you soon!


Template 14.  Interview Scheduling

​Hi [First Name],

Thank you for applying to the [Job Title] position at [Company Name]. After reviewing your application, we are excited to move forward with the interview process. We would like to schedule a [Interview Format]. The interview will last approximately [Length of Interview].

Please use this link to find a time for our conversation at your convenience without back-and-forth. Let me know if you have any questions!


[Your Name]

[Your Email Signature]

Template 15.  Initial Screening of Candidate

Hi [contact name],

I’m excited to learn more about your background and experience and discuss the (position) with (organization). With respect for your time, here’s my scheduling link so we can avoid the back and forth of finding a time for our conversation. Looking forward to speaking with you.

Please let me know if you have any questions!

Template 16. LinkedIn InMail

​Hi Steve,

I came across your LinkedIn profile and am so impressed with your work experience. We are looking for people with your background. I was wondering if you would like to connect and discuss possibilities. If yes, please use the below link to find a time for our conversation at your convenience without back-and-forth. Let me know if you have any questions!



Template 17. Sales Call

Subject: Schedule a Sales Call to Explore Opportunities

Dear [Prospect's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I would like to connect with you to discuss potential opportunities and how our solutions can benefit your business. To make scheduling easier, please find my online meeting scheduling link below:

[Insert Your Online Meeting Scheduling Link]

Please select a suitable time slot that works best for you, and the meeting details will be automatically confirmed.

I look forward to our conversation.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Template 18. Contract Review

Subject: Schedule a Contract Review Meeting

Dear [Recipient's Name],

I hope this email finds you in good health. I would like to discuss the contract details and address any questions or concerns you may have. To schedule a contract review meeting at your convenience, please use the online meeting scheduling link provided below:

[Insert Your Online Meeting Scheduling Link]

Feel free to select a time slot that suits your availability, and I will ensure that our meeting is productive and informative.

Thank you for your attention, and I look forward to our discussion.


[Your Name]

Template 19. Interview

Subject: Schedule an Interview for [Job Position]

Dear [Candidate's Name],

Thank you for your interest in the [Job Position] at [Company Name]. We would like to invite you for an interview to further discuss your qualifications and learn more about your experiences. To schedule an interview at your convenience, please utilize the online meeting scheduling link below:

[Insert Your Online Meeting Scheduling Link]

Kindly select a time slot that works best for you, and we will send you a confirmation email with all the necessary details.

We appreciate your time and look forward to speaking with you.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Template 20. Consultation

Subject: Schedule a Consultation to Discuss Your [Service/Project]

Dear [Client's Name],

I hope this email finds you well. I am excited to explore how our [Service/Project] can address your specific needs. To schedule a consultation and dive deeper into your requirements, please use the online meeting scheduling link provided below:

[Insert Your Online Meeting Scheduling Link]

Feel free to select a time slot that suits your schedule, and we will ensure a productive and informative session.

Thank you for considering our services, and I look forward to assisting you further.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Template 21. Service Call

Subject: Schedule a Service Call to Resolve [Issue/Problem]

Dear [Customer's Name],

Thank you for reaching out to us regarding the [Issue/Problem] you are facing. To provide you with prompt assistance, we kindly request you to schedule a service call by using the online meeting scheduling link below:

[Insert Your Online Meeting Scheduling Link]

Please select a time slot that works best for you, and our service team will be dedicated to resolving your [Issue/Problem] effectively.

Thank you for choosing our services, and we appreciate the opportunity to serve you.


[Your Name]

Template 22. Product Demo Scheduling

Subject: Schedule a Personalized Product Demo

Dear [Prospect's Name],

Thank you for your interest in our product. We would be delighted to provide you with a personalized product demo to showcase its features and benefits. To schedule a demo at your convenience, please utilize the online meeting scheduling link below:

[Insert Your Online Meeting Scheduling Link]

Feel free to select a time slot that suits your schedule, and our team will be ready to walk you through our product and address any questions you may have.

We look forward to demonstrating how our product can meet your specific needs.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Template 23. Customer Support

Subject: Schedule a Call with Our Customer Support Team

Dear [Customer's Name],

We understand the importance of addressing your concerns promptly and providing excellent customer support. To ensure we give you the attention you deserve, we kindly request you to schedule a call with our customer support team. Please use the online meeting scheduling link provided below:

[Insert Your Online Meeting Scheduling Link]

Select a time slot that aligns with your availability, and our support representative will be dedicated to resolving your issue and providing guidance.

Thank you for your patience and cooperation. We are committed to your satisfaction.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Template 24. Due Diligence

Subject: Schedule a Due Diligence Meeting

Dear [Recipient's Name],

As part of our due diligence process, we would like to schedule a meeting to discuss important matters related to [Project/Investment]. To schedule a convenient time for this meeting, please use the online meeting scheduling link provided below:

[Insert Your Online Meeting Scheduling Link]

Please select a time slot that suits your availability, and we will be prepared to provide you with all the necessary information and address any concerns you may have.

Thank you for your cooperation, and we look forward to a productive discussion.


[Your Name]

Template 25. Discovery Call

Subject: Schedule a Discovery Call to Explore Possibilities

Dear [Prospect's Name],

Thank you for expressing interest in our services. We would like to schedule a discovery call to understand your needs better and explore how we can assist you. To schedule a call at your convenience, please utilize the online meeting scheduling link below:

[Insert Your Online Meeting Scheduling Link]

Select a time slot that works best for you, and we will ensure that the call is focused on discovering the best solutions for your specific requirements.

We appreciate your time and look forward to discussing opportunities together.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

Template 26. Partnership Opportunities

Subject: Schedule a Meeting to Discuss Partnership Opportunities

Dear [Recipient's Name],

We are excited about the potential for collaboration and partnership between our companies. To explore this further, we would like to schedule a meeting to discuss partnership opportunities. Please use the online meeting scheduling link provided below to select a convenient time slot:

[Insert Your Online Meeting Scheduling Link]

Feel free to choose a time that aligns with your availability, and we will come prepared to share ideas and explore synergies between our organizations.

Thank you for considering a partnership with us. We look forward to fruitful discussions.


[Your Name]

Template 27. Counseling

Subject: Schedule a Counseling Session for Personal Growth

Dear [Client's Name],

We understand the importance of seeking support for personal growth and well-being. To schedule a counseling session and address any concerns or challenges you may be facing, please utilize the online meeting scheduling link below:

[Insert Your Online Meeting Scheduling Link]

Feel free to select a time slot that works best for you, and our counselor will be dedicated to providing you with guidance and support throughout the session.

We appreciate your trust in our services and are committed to your well-being.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

Template 28. Therapy

Subject: Schedule a Therapy Session for Emotional Wellness

Dear [Client's Name],

Taking care of your emotional well-being is essential, and we are here to support you on your journey. To schedule a therapy session and discuss your concerns in a safe and confidential environment, please utilize the online meeting scheduling link below:

[Insert Your Online Meeting Scheduling Link]

Choose a time slot that aligns with your availability, and our therapist will be dedicated to providing you with the guidance and assistance you need.

Thank you for entrusting us with your emotional well-being. We are committed to your growth and healing.

Warm regards,

[Your Name]

B2B Email Mastery

Master cold outreach with our collection of the 33 best B2B sales email templates. Strengthen your communication strategy with our guides on crafting polite meeting request emails [26 Email templates to ask for a meeting politely], discovering the top digital marketing tools for 2024 [85 Best Digital Marketing Tools of 2024], sharing your scheduling link seamlessly [28 Email templates to share your scheduling link politely], and sending timely reminders [25 Meeting Reminder Email Templates].

Please note that these are general templates, and you may need to adjust the language and format to suit your specific situation and relationship with the recipient. Do let us know if you have any other email templates for sharing scheduling links. We would be happy to publish those in our blog so that others can benefit from them.

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