Customer Stories

Goodbye Calendly, hello efficiency: Waterfall Security streamlines lead management

About Waterfall Security

Waterfall Security safeguards the most sensitive and critical infrastructures across awide range of industries including Power, Oil & Gas, Water Utilities, Rail, Manufacturing, Facilities, and Minting & Metals.

With headquarters in Israel and offices in UAE, Singapore, USA, Europe, and Australia, Waterfall delivers the highest level of OT protection while enabling safe connectivity and visibility for industrial control systems (ICS).

The Challenge

Waterfall Security's lead-to-meeting process was hampered by manual scheduling using Calendly. This inefficient system lacked functionalities for:

  • Tracking metrics: They couldn't monitor lead submissions, qualified leads, scheduled meetings, or no-shows.
  • Data accessibility: Viewing individual form submissions within Calendly proved difficult.
  • Lead qualification: Filtering leads with free/temporary email addresses or those lacking verification wasn't possible.
  • Routing efficiency: Calendly offered limited options for geographically-based routing.
  • Marketing campaign support: They couldn't leverage a single magic booking link for lead qualification and routing based on CRM data.

They were on the lookout for scheduling software that offered a HubSpot form integration with real-time lead qualification, routing, and scheduling, enabling seamless two-way integration with their HubSpot and Salesforce CRM. HubSpot is their marketing platform and Salesforce CRM is their sales platform.

How Leadmonk Helped

Waterfall Security implemented Leadmonk to automate and streamline their lead management process. By integrating with their existing HubSpot forms and CRMs, Leadmonk provided:

  • Automated lead qualification and routing: Leads were automatically qualified upon submitting HubSpot forms, ensuring swift communication with the appropriate regional sales rep. Leadmonk filtered out low-quality leads with free/temporary emails or those not seeking product information.
  • Seamless Salesforce and HubSpot CRM integration: Manual data entry was eliminated. Meeting details and lead records were automatically updated within Salesforce and HubSpot at the same time.
  • Automated lead routing: Leads were automatically routed based on a combination of geographical and round-robin rules. Known leads were intelligently directed to their lead owners in the HubSpot CRM.
  • Streamlined meeting scheduling: Prospects could book meetings directly with available sales reps, eliminating back-and-forth communication.
  • Real-time visibility into key metrics: Waterfall Security gained insights into lead conversion rates, qualified lead generation, meeting scheduling, and no-show rates.
  • Enhanced data accessibility: Individual form submission data was readily available for analysis.


Since implementing Leadmonk, Waterfall Security has witnessed significant improvements in their lead-to-meeting process:

  • Improved sales team efficiency: Regional Sales Directors are instantly notified of leads from their region.
  • Enhanced customer experience: Prospects can easily book meetings at their convenience.
  • Reduced manual follow-up time: Leadmonk significantly reduced manual lead management tasks, freeing up valuable team resources.
  • Improved lead conversion: Detailed reporting provided valuable insights for optimizing marketing campaigns.
  • Enhanced customer experience: By connecting leads with regional experts, Leadmonk facilitated a more personalized experience.

Customer Feedback

"What I like best about Leadmonk is its intuitive interface and seamless integration with other tools such as HubSpot. It offers robust scheduling features and cost-effectiveness comparable to Calendly and Chilipiper but stands out with its user-friendly design and flexibility in customization." – Shani Halpern, Marketing Growth Manager at Waterfall Security @ Waterfall Security.


By implementing Leadmonk, Waterfall Security successfully addressed their lead management challenges and achieved significant improvements in efficiency, conversion rates, and overall customer experience. Leadmonk's automated features, seamless integrations, and exceptional support made it an invaluable tool for Waterfall Security's success.

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