Customer Stories

How reduced junk meetings by 90% and improved qualified meetings by 60%

About offers a robust suite of mobile app testing tools, from cloud-based real device testing to user-friendly automation and insightful analytics. Their platform, known for its responsiveness and user-friendly automation, empowers businesses to excel in performance, manual, UX, real device, and AI-powered testing.

The Challenge was plagued by unqualified leads booking product demos and trials through their HubSpot appointment booking page. This wasted valuable time for their sales team. They needed a solution to:

  • Reduce Junk Meetings: Eliminate time wasted on unqualified leads with free/temporary email domains and unverified addresses.
  • Boost Qualified Meetings: Ensure only genuine prospects connect with their sales team.
  • Fair Distribution: Distribute meetings fairly among the sales team.
  • Route Returning Prospects: Automatically direct returning leads to their assigned account owner.

How Leadmonk Helped replaced their HubSpot booking page with a HubSpot form connected to a Leadmonk router. This integration provided:

  • Instant Lead Qualification: Leadmonk's real-time email verification and filtering of personal, temporary, and spam email domains ensured that only high-quality leads reached the sales team.
  • Seamless Routing: Qualified leads were routed to the appropriate sales rep based on pre-set rules. Returning leads automatically connected with their existing CRM account owner.
  • Effortless Scheduling: Leadmonk facilitated smooth scheduling of meetings, eliminating back-and-forth communication.
  • Reduced No-Shows: Automated email reminders helped significantly minimize no-shows.
  • Data-Driven Insights: Detailed metrics on lead submissions, qualified leads, scheduled meetings, and no-shows enabled data-driven optimization of sales strategies.


By implementing Leadmonk, achieved remarkable results:

  • 90% Reduction in Junk Meetings: Their sales team spends less time on unqualified leads.
  • 60% Improvement in Qualified Meetings: They connect with more genuine prospects.
  • 25% Increase in Inbound Lead Conversion Rates: More qualified leads translate to more sales.
  • 30% Reduction in No-Shows: Automated reminders ensure better meeting attendance.

Customer Feedback

Nancy, Marketing Manager at, praises Leadmonk: "Leadmonk has been a game-changer for our sales team. It has helped us reduce junk meetings, improve our qualified meetings, and distribute meetings fairly among our sales teams. We have also seen a significant improvement in our inbound lead conversion rates. We are also very happy with the support from the Leadmonk team. They are always available to help us with any questions or concerns we have. I highly recommend Leadmonk to any business that is looking to streamline their sales process and improve their bottom line.".

Conclusion's story exemplifies how Leadmonk can transform sales processes. By minimizing junk meetings, maximizing qualified interactions, and offering valuable data insights, Leadmonk empowers businesses to achieve sales success.

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