Jul 14, 2024

Top 10 LeanData Alternatives & Competitors Compared in 2024

LeanData Alternatives and Competitors

In today's competitive sales landscape, optimizing lead management is critical. While LeanData offers a robust solution, it's not the only player in the game. Businesses seeking advanced lead qualification, routing, and scheduling functionalities across all Go-To-Market (GTM) channels might find themselves looking for alternatives.

This comprehensive guide dives into the top 10 contenders, comparing their strengths, weaknesses, and how they stack up against LeanData.


Who is LeanData for?

LeanData is a Salesforce-native revenue orchestration platform that helps companies automate their go-to-market processes and connect the right data, tools, and people at each step in the buyer journey.

Key features of LeanData are:

  • Automate lead routing and assignment to ensure that leads are quickly and efficiently distributed to the right sales reps or teams, based on predefined criteria such as territory, industry, or product interest.
  • Match and deduplicate leads and accounts to create a single, unified view of their customer data in Salesforce. This helps to improve data quality and accuracy and eliminates the need for manual data entry and reconciliation.
  • Instantly qualify,match, & route ALL Salesforce objects
  • Route records based on campaign membership, territory, time, or account
  • Automatically match leads to right accounts
  • Instantly update leads with matched account data for immediate context
  • Prevent duplicates with industry leading fuzzy matching algorithm
  • Meeting Scheduling from Pardot forms
  • SDR to AE handoffmeetings in Salesforce

Why Look for LeanData Alternatives?

Before diving into the alternatives, let's briefly examine the key reasons businesses are seeking alternatives to LeanData:

1. Cost structure

LeanData can be expensive, with pricing starting at

  • $25 per connected calendar per month for BookIt
  • $25per connected calendar per month for BookIt HandOff
  • $39 per user license per month for Standard Revenue Orchestration
  • $49 per user license per month for Advanced Revenue Orchestration
  • $59 per user license per month for Premium Revenue Orchestration
  • Additionally, essential features like data hygiene and deduplication require a separate add-on that starts at $2,500.
LeanData Pricing for Routing

LeanData pricing for scheduling

2. Limited features

  • LeanData only works with Salesforce CRM. If you use a different CRM system, LeanData is not a viable option.
  • Limited lead qualification and meeting scheduling features.
  • As LeanData is built on top of Salesforce, so the routing sometimes get delayed by APEX governor limits.
  • LeanData is limited to just Pardot, and Marketo forms. It does not work with custom webforms.
  • LeanData does not support flexible round robin routing.
  • No SMS/WhatsApp Reminders support.
  • Its not possible to book meetings from email campaigns.

3. Restricted Integrations

LeanData's integration options can be limited, particularly with regard to video conferencing and calendar tools. Evaluating integration options is crucial when choosing a scheduling and routing software.

4. Implementation Time

Onboarding and implementing LeanData can take several weeks, requiring dedicated resources and time investment from your team.

5. Outdated Interface

LeanData's user interface can be challenging to navigate, resembling a complex logic map. This can make it difficult for teams to understand and manage routing logic, especially as it becomes more intricate.

Choosing the Right LeanData Alternative: Focus on Your Use Case

By understanding your growth stage and business goals, you can determine whether lead qualification, routing, and scheduling across GTM channels, salesforce lead routing, or data management is your primary use case.

Top 10 LeanData Alternatives

Now that we understand the reasons for seeking alternatives to LeanData, let's explore the top 10 best alternatives that can address these concerns:

1. Leadmonk - Best for lead qualification, routing, and scheduling across GTM channels

Leadmonk is an inbound lead conversion and scheduling software. It helps B2B revenue teams convert leads into meetings by qualifying, routing, and scheduling in real-time from anywhere — be it your web form, cold calls, campaigns, and more.

We think Leadmonk is the truly versatile inbound lead conversion and scheduling software available in the market for the following reasons:

  • Book Meetings From Your Web Form - Leadmonk seamlessly integrates with Pardot, Marketo, HubSpot form, and custom web forms such as webflow form. When a form is submitted on your website, Leadmonk instantly qualifies the lead, routes it to the right sales rep, and displays the booking page so your prospect can book a meeting - all in a matter of seconds.
Book meetings from any webform
Sample inbound router
  • Real-time Email Verification - Make use of Leadmonk's inbuilt lead qualification feature to automatically disqualify leads with invalid, disposable, personal, and temporary email address. Reduce bounce rates, improve deliverability, and prevent wasted resources on invalid leads.
Real-time email verification

  • Lead qualification - Build a real-time lead qualification track that assesses leads based on their self-provided information and enriched data. Reduce junk meetings by 90% and increase qualified meetings by 35%.
Instant Lead Qualification
  • Real-time Lead Routing - Route and assign leads to the right sales reps, at the right time using round-robin, account-based, or territory-based distribution. Quickly and accurately route leads from all GTM channels. Go straight to meetings with qualified leads.
  • Route your leads from hidden fields - With Clearbit or ZoomInfo, you can enrich your marketing forms with industry, company size, and other data. This will help you shorten your forms and route your leads to the right sales rep.
  • Ownership Routing - Create routing rules that automatically match and schedule known leads and existing customers with the right sales rep based on real-time CRM account ownership.
Real-time Lead/Meeting Routing
  • Scheduling Simplified - Make it easy for your customers to schedule meetings on demand without the back and forth. Schedule meetings quickly by adding Leadmonk to your website, emails, text messages, WhatsApp, or social profiles.
Booking page - professional theme
  • Handoff Leads Like a Pro - Automate lead routing and scheduling for lightning-fast handoffs across your entire sales funnel. SDRs can book meetings for AEs from anywhere, with just a few clicks. No more back-and-forth emails or scheduling conflicts.
Instant Scheduler for SDRs to book meetings in AEs calendar
  • Round Robin Meeting Distribution - Distribute incoming meetings fairly using round robin, prioritizing availability, or with equal weight or a weighted average. Suitable for sales calls, support calls, and client onboarding.
Round-robin meeting scheduling
  • Flexible Round Robin Meeting Scheduling: Enable customers to book meetings with dedicated co-host(s) and a rotating team member. Meeting slots are shown only when all fixed hosts and at least one team member from the round-robin pool are available.
Flexible Round Robin Meeting

  • SFCRM Opportunity creation - Automatic creation of an Opportunity in SFCRM when a meeting is booked.
  • HubSpot Deal creation - Ability to create deals in HubSpot, not just Contacts.
  • One form: many forms - Build a routing form in Leadmonk in minutes. Easy to customize and can be embedded on your website or shared as a link. You can build one-at-a-time form, step form or all-at-once form easily. Leadmonk also works with your existing forms such as HubSpot,Pardot, and Custom web forms.
Leadmonk native form - one step at time form
  • Schedule any type of meeting: Meet one-on-one or in a group or as a team (multi-host scheduling and round-robin). Meet online or in person. Leadmonk supports all meeting combinations. 🤝
  • Give multiple duration options to invitees. At the time of meeting booking, the invitee can choose his/her preferred meeting duration. ⏱️
  • Give multiple meeting location options to invitees. At the time of appointment booking, the invitee can choose his/her preferred location.
  • 🗺️Multiple calendars support - Not only you can connect 6 calendars to your account but also you can take appointments to any of these calendars. This is helpful to manage your work life efficiently.🗓️
  • Segregate Duties with Clear User Roles : Make use of roles such as Owner, Admin, Team admin, and User for better segregation of duties.
an online scheduling page
Segregation of duties
  • Easily restrict personal, temporary, and bot email domains from booking the meetings. Make use of a curated list of 4768 email domains known to fall under these categories to further restrict bookings.
  • Leadmonk's "no-show" feature allows hosts to mark whether an invitee attended a previously scheduled event,and if marked as a no-show, they will not receive post-appointment workflow notifications. 🚫
  • Limit the number of appointments per day or per month - You can specify per day or per month appointments limit at the user account level.
  • All-in-One Meeting Hub for Every Team: Single platform that meets the needs of Sales, marketing, customer success, recruiting, and other meeting heavy teams.
  • Automatic time zone detection, setting lead time and buffer time for appointment booking, automatic SMS/WhatsApp/Email reminders to reduce no-shows, and many more.
  • Integrate Google Analytics with Leadmonk to get valuable insights into how your clients engage with your booking page. 📈
  • Add UTM parameters to your booking links to track conversions directly within Leadmonk.
  • Admins can reassign meetings on-the-fly between sales reps, with automatic updates to your CRM and individual meeting counters for each rep.
  • Meeting insights: Track meeting conversions, distribution, and outcomes to identify friction points and take action to improve efficiency.
Inbound router submissions report
Individual inbound router submission process details
Meeting details

Meeting Analytics
  • Connected to your revenue stack: It integrates natively with G-Suite, Google Calendar, Google Meet, Outlook, Office365 Calendar, MS Teams, Zoom, Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive, Zoho CRM, and other popular business apps to support your business in a wide range of prospect and customer scheduling scenarios.
  • Convert interest into action across all channels

Pricing - Get the features you need at a price you can love

  • Free trial for 14 days for upto 10 seats - no credit card required.
  • Free plan: In this plan, you'll have access to basic scheduling features with unlimited one-on-one and group meeting types. Its suitable for individuals.
  • Essential Plan - $12/user/month (annual plan) - When you need team scheduling features.
  • Advanced Plan - $30/user/month (annual plan) - For teams requiring routing form, lead qualification and routing automation features.
  • Premier Plan - $40/user/month (annual plan) - Hand-off leads across the sales funnel.
  • No platform fees
  • No minimum license requirements
  • No Admin License: Admins do not require a subscription for any of our paid plans in Leadmonk. We only charge for users who have meetings booked on their calendars. Users who access Leadmonk for account setup and reporting purposes are not charged a subscription fee.

Buyer experience at Leadmonk

G2 Testimonials

2. RingLead (now ZoomInfo Operations)

  • Focus: Data quality and lead management.
  • Key Features: Data cleansing, enrichment, routing, and lead scoring. Integrates with various CRM and marketing automation platforms.
  • Target Users: Sales and marketing operations teams.
  • Comparison with LeanData: Both offer data management, but LeanData focuses more on distribution and routing to sales reps, while RingLead emphasizes data quality and hygiene.
  • Comparison with 6sense: Completely different functionalities. RingLead deals with existing lead data, while 6sense focuses on identifying new leads and accounts with buying intent.

3. 6sense

  • Focus: Account-based marketing (ABM) and revenue intelligence.
  • Key Features: Uses AI and big data to identify anonymous website visitors, predict buying intent, and prioritize accounts for targeted marketing and sales outreach.
  • Target Users: Marketing and sales teams focused on ABM strategies.
  • Comparison with LeanData: Not directly comparable. LeanData manages existing leads, while 6sense helps identify high-value prospects.

4. Chili Piper


Chili Piper is a cloud-based appointment scheduling platform that automates the booking process for sales and marketing teams. It allows prospects to schedule appointments with the appropriate person, at the desired time, without the need for manual intervention.

Chili Piper is designed exclusively for sales teams who use Salesforce and HubSpot CRMs. It differs from other tools discussed thus far because it caters to a very niche audience. Chili Piper offers various features that are indispensable and unique to sales teams. For instance, as soon as a lead contacts a sales representative, Chili Piper adds the lead to the CRM. It also captures and correlates the lead's existing data to facilitate a personalized and efficient appointment booking experience.

One of its standout features is the “Form Concierge”, which enables prospects to book appointments directly from your website. The software integrates with your calendar, so all your appointments are visible in one place, reducing the risk of double bookings. The appointment booking process is efficient and convenient for both you and your prospects.

Other notable features of Chili Piper include Distro, Handoff, and Instant Booker. The platform also offers lead routing capabilities, directing leads to the appropriate person based on established rules, enhancing lead handling efficiency, and improving the customer experience.

In addition to appointment booking and lead routing, Chili Piper provides a suite of tools to manage appointments and leads, such as appointment reminders, real-time analytics, and custom branding options. These features ensure smooth appointment management and lead tracking. Chili Piper has seamless integration with Salesforce and HubSpot CRMs.

Missing Features

Chili Piper is a powerful lead conversion platform, but it lacks some features that may be essential for specific businesses, such as:

  • Multiple-duration options - Give your invitees multiple appointment duration options to choose from when they book. This is more efficient than creating a separate meeting type for each duration.
  • Real-time Email Verification - Eliminate invalid, disposable, personal, and temporary email addresses from your lead capture forms. Reduce bounce rates, improve deliverability, and prevent wasted resources on invalid leads.
  • Multiple calendar support - Ability to connect multiple calendars to a user account, so they can manage their work and personal life efficiently.
  • SFCRM Opportunity creation - Automatic creation of an Opportunity in SFCRM when a meeting is booked.
  • HubSpot Deal creation - Ability to create Deals in HubSpot, not just Contacts.
  • HubSpot meeting guest associations - Ability to associate all meeting guests with the corresponding HubSpot contact, instead of just the Assignee and Main Guest.
  • Contact owner update without engagement creation - Ability to update the contact owner even when engagements are not created in HubSpot.
  • Chatbots and live chat - for engaging with leads and customers to provide personalized experiences.
  • Group event type availability - for webinars and training events, to direct inbound leads to those events instead of one-on-one product demos.
  • WhatsApp reminders - to keep leads engaged and on track. Outside of the USA and Canada, WhatsApp reminders are preferred over SMS reminders because they have higher open rates, more features, and better security.
  • Enhanced branding features - to customize the look and feel of the appointment scheduling experience to match your brand.
  • Collect  payments using Stripe and PayPal: Some customer may need the payment gateway integrations to collect payments at the time of appointment booking to reduce no-shows.
  • Limit the number of appointments per day - Specifying per day appointments limit at an appointment type level or at the user account level.
  • Custom domain support - to create a more professional and branded experience for your leads.


  • Instant Booker: $15/user/month
  • HandOff: $25/user/month
  • Form Concierge: $30/user/month
  • Distro: $20/user/month
  • Tiered Platform Fees: You're charged for every form submit, not just booked meetings. This includes junk leads, pushing you into higher fee tiers.
    • Upto 100 form submissions: Costs $150 pm on an annual plan and $225 pm on a monthly plan
    • 100 – 1000 form submissions: Costs $400 pm on an annual plan and $600 pm on a monthly plan
    • > 1000 form submissions: Costs $1000 pm on an annual plan and $1500 pm on a monthly plan

Take a look at this page to see how Leadmonk and Chilipiper stack up against each other.

5. Calendly


Calendly needs no introduction. It’s been around for several years, and many businesses use its software. It supports one-on-one, group, round-robin, and collective meeting scheduling algorithms

You can also conduct a poll to determine the best time for a meeting and quickly convert the most popular slot into a confirmed appointment.You can also create a basic routing form or import from HubSpot or Pardot or Marketo form to route incoming leads. Calendly has a basic lead routing feature.

In addition to personal meetings, Calendly enables you to manage team meetings as well. You can create different meeting types, assign specific team members to handle group meetings and rotate incoming meetings among your team members.

Calendly has extensive integration options, including Salesforce, HubSpot, Zoom, GoToMeeting, and Zapier, but you do need to subscribe to a paid plan to get the full benefits here.

Here's a breakdown of some limitations and missing features in Calendly:

Lead Capture and Qualification
  • Limited form support: Calendly offers basic forms, but you cannot create multi-step forms or connect webforms to qualify and route leads. It only integrates with HubSpot, Marketo, and Pardot forms.
  • Basic lead qualification and routing: Calendly's qualification and routing capabilities are limited, making it unsuitable for complex scenarios or large organizations.
Lead-to-Account Matching
  • Limited to Salesforce and Enterprise plans: Lead-to-account matching is only available for Salesforce users with a minimum 30-seat enterprise plan and requires SF Package installation and customization. Not compatible with HubSpot CRM.
Reporting and Analytics
  • Limited reporting: Calendly offers basic reporting features, but lacks in-depth analysis of form submissions and lead conversion statistics.
Lead Management
  • No real-time email verification: Calendly doesn't support real-time email verification to improve lead quality and reduce unqualified leads.
  • Limited lead distribution: Calendly doesn't offer weighted average round robin algorithms for distributing meetings based on lead weightage.
  • No meeting allocation calibration: You cannot calibrate meeting allocation for factors like no-shows, cancellations, vacations, or manager overrides.
  • Hand-off limitations: Calendly lacks functionality to hand-off leads across different stages of the sales funnel.
  • No cross-rep scheduling: BDRs/SDRs cannot directly book meetings on AEs' calendars based on lead distribution logic.
Meeting Scheduling Limitations
  • Meeting caps: Calendly only allows meeting caps at the event type level, not daily or monthly breakdowns per user.
  • Calendar limitations: You can connect up to 6 calendars, but meeting booking is restricted to the primary calendar.
  • Limited meeting duration options: Cannot define multiple durations for a single meeting type.
  • No mobile appointment scheduling: Scheduling appointments using mobile numbers is not supported.
  • WhatsApp notifications: Sending text notifications via WhatsApp is not supported.
Additional Limitations
  • Shared resource booking: Calendly lacks centralized management for booking shared resources.
  • Package/session sales: You cannot sell packages or multiple sessions at once (e.g., 5 branding consultations for a set price).
Branding and Customization
  • Limited booking page themes: Calendly offers minimal customization options for booking page themes.
  • Custom Domain and notification branding: You cannot host booking pages on your domain (CNAME) or send branded email/SMS notifications using your own email domain and phone number (SMTP and Twilio integration not supported).

See how Leadmonk compares with Calendly.


  • Standard: $12 per user per month.
  • Team: $20 per user per month.
  • Enterprise Plan: Starts at $15k/year. Salesforce Lead routing is part of this plan. You have to buy a minimum 30-seat plan here.


Calendly offers basic scheduling functionality but lacks features for complex lead qualification, routing, advanced reporting, and in-depth customization. These limitations can hinder its effectiveness for larger organizations or businesses with complex sales processes.

6. HubSpot Scheduling

HubSpot meeting scheduling page

HubSpot Meeting Scheduler is a feature of the HubSpot platform that enables businesses to schedule and manage meetings directly from the HubSpot CRM. It provides a convenient and efficient way for sales and customer service teams to connect with their prospects and customers, saving time and increasing productivity.

With HubSpot Meeting Scheduler, you can send a personalized meeting link to prospects and customers, who can then select a time that works best for them based on your availability. The tool integrates with your calendar, so you can easily keep track of your schedule and avoid double bookings. Additionally, you can customize the meeting request with a personalized message, further personalizing the customer experience.

HubSpot recently launched a basic routing feature where upon form submission, you can route the inbound lead to a specific rep. This feature meets the requirement of small companies having less than 5 reps. But its not suitable for large and growing organizations. HubSpot round robin algorithm does not support weighted average scheduling.

One of the advantages of HubSpot Meeting Scheduler is that it is available as a part of the HubSpot CRM platform, which means that all your customer interactions and meeting details are stored in one place, providing a single source of truth for your team.

Here's a breakdown of some limitations and missing features in HubSpot Meeting Scheduler:

Lead Qualification and Routing
  • Limited Setup: Not possible to easily setup qualification and routing rules for incoming leads/meetings. It requires scripting/coding, making it complex and challenging to maintain for intricate scenarios or large organizations.
  • Limited Form Support: HubSpot Scheduler only integrates with HubSpot forms, not Webforms or Marketo forms.
Reporting and Analytics
  • Basic Insights: While basic reporting is available, HubSpot lacks in-depth analysis of form submissions and lead conversion statistics.
Lead Management
  • No Real-Time Email Verification: HubSpot doesn't offer real-time email verification to improve lead quality.
  • Limited Distribution: Lead distribution based on weighted average round robin algorithms is not supported.
  • Meeting Allocation Challenges: You cannot calibrate meeting allocation for factors like no-shows, cancellations, vacations, or manager overrides.
  • Hand-off Limitations: HubSpot lacks functionality to seamlessly hand-off leads across different sales funnel stages.
  • No Cross-Rep Scheduling: BDRs/SDRs cannot directly book meetings on AEs' calendars based on lead distribution logic.
Meeting Scheduling Limitations
  • Meeting Caps Missing: Setting meeting caps per user (daily, monthly, or by meeting template) is not possible.
  • Limited Location Options: Offering multiple meeting location options on the booking page is not supported.
  • No-Show Management Gap: HubSpot doesn't offer functionalities to manage meeting no-shows.
  • Payment Integration Absent: Collecting payments through Stripe or PayPal during appointment booking is not supported.
Calendar Limitations
  • Single Calendar Connection: You can only connect one calendar to HubSpot Scheduler.
  • Text Notification Limitations: Sending text notifications globally via SMS/WhatsApp is not supported.
Additional Limitations
  • Shared Resource Booking: Centralized management for booking shared resources like conference rooms is lacking.
  • Package/Session Sales: Selling packages or multiple sessions bundled together (e.g., 5 consultations for a set price) is not possible.
Branding and Customization
  • Limited Booking Page Themes: HubSpot offers minimal options for customizing the look and feel of booking pages.
  • Restricted Branding: You cannot host booking pages on your domain (CNAME) or send branded email/SMS notifications using your own email domain and phone number (SMTP and Twilio integration not supported).


HubSpot Meeting Scheduler is available as part of the HubSpot CRM,which is free to use. Advanced scheduling features are available with any of the following subscriptions:

  • Sales Hub Starter, Professional, Enterprise
  • Service Hub Starter, Professional, Enterprise


See how Leadmonk compares with HubSpot Scheduling.

7. Drift


Drift is a conversational marketing platform that offers chatbots and live chat for engaging with leads and customers. It offers a suite of tools to enable businesses to have real-time conversations with visitors, qualify leads, and schedule meetings.

It is also an AI-powered buyer engagement platform that automatically listens, understands, and learns from buyers to create the most personalized experiences possible.

Drift's lead routing and scheduling features are particularly powerful for sales teams. Lead routing allows businesses to automatically distribute leads to the right sales reps based on criteria such as the lead's industry, location, and interests. This helps to ensure that leads are contacted by the most qualified reps and that they are more likely to be converted into customers.

Drift's scheduling feature makes it easy for sales reps to book meetings with leads directly from within the platform. This eliminates the need for back-and-forth emails and saves repstime.

Drift offers a chat-based prompt to schedule meetings. Chat is a great way to engage with prospects and help them navigate your website to learn more about your business or product, but it's not the best way to convert sales-ready leads.

If you need chatbot functionality, Drift is a good option. But if you want to convert more bottom-of-the-funnel leads, Chili Piper and Leadmonk are the best choice.


Drift pricing

8. Qualified

Qualified is a the pipeline generation platform for your website. Powered by AI, the Pipeline Cloud helps companies maximize website conversions with live chat, automated chatbots, meeting scheduling, marketing offers, and actionable intent data. Built on the Salesforce Platform, Qualified accelerates website conversion for revenue teams worldwide.

Qualified website


Qualified offers a wide range of features, including:

  • Website chatbots: Qualified's chatbots can be used to engage visitors to your website and qualify them as leads.
  • Live chat: Instantly meet with chat, voice, and video, which allows you to have real-time conversations with leads on your website.
  • Email marketing: Qualified's email marketing tools can be used to send targeted email campaigns to your leads.
  • Lead scoring: Qualified scores your leads based on their engagement with your website and email marketing campaigns.
  • Meeting booking: Schedule sales meetings, right on your site.
  • Offers - Boost website conversions with Qualified Offers, a core tenet of the Pipeline Cloud
  • Signals - Understand account-based buyer intent


Qualified is a great tool for marketing teams focused on inbound pipeline because it:

  • Lets you start chat conversations that can turn into sales conversations and eventually pipeline.
  • Shows you which businesses visit your website and engage in conversations.
  • Alerts sales teams when their target accounts visit the site.


  • It only works for companies on Salesforce as its built on the Salesforce Platform.
  • It can be expensive for small businesses as their pricing starts at $3500 per month for their basic package. Some features are only available on higher-priced plans.
  • Qualified's scheduling solution is too basic for revenue teams. It can't handle complex distribution or integrate with all the tools you need to manage the full funnel.


Qualified pricing

9. SavvyCal


SavvyCal provides a user-friendly scheduling platform with a calendar-like interface. Your guests can easily view your availability and schedule a meeting that works for both of you by overlaying their calendar with yours.

This scheduling software simplifies the process of setting up meetings with its straightforward design. You can easily sync SavvyCal with your existing Google and Outlook calendars, and integrate it with various other apps, such as Zoom, Google Meet, and Zapier, to automate your scheduling.

SavvyCal offers both single-use and multi-use meeting options.Single-use meetings are ideal for one-time events and are archived after themeeting is scheduled. Multi-use meetings, such as one-on-one meetings, team meetings, or panel meetings, can be scheduled repeatedly. Additionally, you have the option to create multiple meetings under a single scheduling page and share it with guests. You can create meeting polls to share with guests, and convert the most polled time slot into a meeting

This scheduling software puts you in complete control of your meetings. You can choose to connect different calendars for different meetings,offer guests multiple meeting durations to choose from, manually approve booked meetings, and decide whether to show all your availability or only your preferred time slots.


  • The Basic Plan: $12/user/month
  • The Premium Plan: $20/user/month


10. MixMax


Mixmax is a powerful sales acceleration tool designed as a Chrome extension specifically for Gmail. Its seamless integration with CRM and recruitment software, along with its extensive range of modules such as tasks and rules, amplifies the effectivenessof sales follow-ups. Among its many features, the meeting tool in Mixmax plays a crucial role in advancing leads through the sales pipeline. If your sales team conducts conversations using Gmail, exploring Mixmax can significantly streamline your sales processes and enhance productivity.


  • Growth + Salesforce: $69/user/month
  • Growth: $49/user/month
  • SMB: $29/user/month



Finding the right alternative to LeanData depends on your specific requirements. By understanding your growth stage, business objectives, and primary use case (lead routing or data management), you can make an informed decision. This blog post has provided a roadmap to navigate the selection process, highlighting some of the most competitive LeadData alternatives available today. We encourage you to explore the features and pricing of each solution mentioned here to determine the best fit for your tech stack and budget.

Ready to ditch the scheduling struggles and skyrocket your revenue? Book a demo today or take Leadmonk for a spin with a free trial.

Leadmonk: Lead conversion that's as affordable as it is effective.

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Naveen S G

Co-founder and CEO

Double your inbound conversion using Leadmonk

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a computer screen with a funnel and a document